Wednesday 14 October 2015

Jenny Holzer

Another classic artist working with text in an art context is Jenny Holzer. In her series, the Truisms (1977-9) Holzer flyposted a series of short, enigmatic, slogan-like phrases across the urban landscape of New York, and in doing so initiated an extended exploration of he ways that text-works could be inserted into – and actively intervene within – the fabrics of the everyday world. Her exploration of this has taken the form of LED displays, advertising sites, building signage, t-shirts, polystyrene cups, and video projections. The work often interrogates the links between language, authority, space and power. and between personal and impersonal voices.

Jenny Holzer, Protect Me from What I Want, c.1982 (?), Times Square, New York.
It is in Your Self-interest to Find a Way to Be Very Tender (installed on the marquis of an abandoned movie theatre in Chicago; part of the "Truisms for Survival" Series, 1983–5.)

For London, projection, 2006.